Regarding my dissertation, I am done with my data analysis and reading through my transcripts. The next stage is the writing part. Hopefully, i am able to finish writing my 2nd paper by the end of this month. My advisor has been giving me more stuff to do lately- like more literature reviews for this paper we are both working on. I am yet to tell him that i am preggers. I am waiting till i hit my 2nd trimester before i tell him. As far as the job market is concerned, it is in God's hand. I get so frustrated looking sometimes, but i just have to keep looking. There are things out there in my field and i have seen loads, but the problem is location. At this point, i have decided that i'll apply for everything- postdoctoral fellowships, faculty positions and non-academic jobs. God will have the final say on this one, I am relying on his promise in Jer. 29:11. One lesson i have learned is to trust God more because he knows what is best for us. The places where I see potential job opportunities are in California and NY, but hubby is so against those 2 places. He can do NJ, but not NY. Ideally, we both want to move back to Maryland when we are done with school, but that may not be happening, so we are keeping our options open. One thing I do know is that I am done with a long distance marriage and I would like for us both to be in the same location and living under the same roof, especially with a child on the way.
There was something God-mazing-fantastic that happened to me last week. I received an email from this listserve i am subscribed to. On this particular day, i decided to take my time to read the entire bulletin. Most times, i just leave it to come back to read later. Anyway, while reading i saw a news article about this professor in one of the schools in NY that i am looking to do a postdoc that just received more than a $2 million grant to study something similar to my dissertation topic. I was so excited and i thought what are the odds??? So i immediately sent him an email, and i am patiently waiting to apply. Could this be a sign??? We'll see.
I have my first doctor's appointment next week at 9 weeks, and i am looking forward to that.