Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thank you, Jesus!!!

I had an abdominal myomectomy 1 week ago to remove about 12-15 uterine fibroids (i had no idea they were that many) and all i can say is thank you Jesus. I could see the hand of God at work every step of the way- from choosing doctors, to planning the hospital, down to even the appointments. The pain has reduced drastically, just that i still feel pain if i sneeze or cough, and move around too much. I guess that's to be expected. Overall, God has answered every prayer I offered on this surgery and for that i am so thankful. On another day when I get better, I will write about how God ordered my steps to finding this surgeon (one of the best in the field) that ended up performing the surgery, and everything.

I got word that a paper I submitted for an oral presentation was selected at our national conference. Just waiting to hear back from 2 other conferences. My other paper has also been accepted for publication. EXCITED! THANK GOD!!

My sister's wedding was a huge success and I had a wonderful time with family and friends I have not seen in a long time.

Overall, I am in a happy place in my life and i thank God for it.

On a sad note, my heart goes out to all those that passed away in the Dana airlines crash in Nigeria. I pray that God comforts the family left behind. God cares, God knows, God understands.