Sunday, November 4, 2012

San Francisco & Week 13 updates

Week 13
Hello, I hope you were not affected by hurricane Sandy. We are now at 13 weeks and some days. My symptoms have greatly reduced and I am happy about that. I am not sure if people can tell that I am pregnant, I only had one person hinting at it when I went out of town last week. Maybe the others were just not sure & were being polite by not asking. I attended the American Public Health Association meeting last week in San Francisco where I had the opportunity of presenting my research. It was a nice experience and SF is a very beautiful city. Unfortunately, I didn't get to go sight seeing or anything of that sort, because I was always so tired after the long days. I have to make another trip at a later time, so hopefully I get to see the sights of SF. One thing I do appreciate is that the city is good for walking. I was there for a week and I walked everywhere I needed to go- from my hotel to the convention center to UCSF to the restaurants, I mean everywhere. I actually enjoyed walking around the city. I also got to see and hear Angela Davis speak. She is one very powerful speaker and I enjoyed every moment of her speech.

I have attended this conference for 5 years, but this time around it was an opportunity to network with other researchers in my area of research whose work I have read or used, go to hear their presentations and meet with potential mentors for a postdoctoral fellowship position. I also had the opportunity of talking to department chairs on openings in their department for an assistant professor position. Now that I am back, it is time to start applying for these positions.

I heard back from the journal I submitted one of my papers to for publication, and they want the paper revised. I have been working on that and hopefully it gets accepted for publication without anymore revisions. I have my 2nd doctors appt this week and I hope I get to see bambino. Otherwise, I have been doing very well, hubby is fine and baby is fine too, thank God.

A word of encouragement I want to leave you guys with, based on today's sermon at church. As long as Jesus is with you in the boat, no storm can wreck your boat. That came in handy for me, because I have been a little concerned over where hubby and I will end up with jobs next year. I really want us to live together as a family, because I am tired of a long distance marriage, and also with a baby on the way we need to work it out. So all I can do is trust God to lead us to the right place. With Jesus in our boat, we can sit back and relax knowing he will calm every storm & take us to the place that's right for us.